Methods, Neurons, Networks and Behaviors
June 13 - June 30, 2016
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan
The aim of the Okinawa/OIST Computational Neuroscience Course is to provide opportunities for young researchers with theoretical backgrounds to learn the latest advances in neuroscience, and for those with experimental backgrounds to have hands-on experience in computational modeling.
We invite graduate students and postgraduate researchers to participate in the course, held from June 13th through June 30th, 2015 at an oceanfront seminar house of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. Applications are through the course web page ( only; January 4 - February 5, 2016.
Applicants will receive confirmation of acceptance in March.
Like in preceding years, OCNC will be a comprehensive three-week course covering single neurons, networks, and behaviors with ample time for student projects. The first week will focus exclusively on methods with hands-on tutorials during the afternoons, while the second and third weeks will have lectures by international experts. The course has a strong hands-on component based on student proposed modeling or data analysis projects, which are further refined with the help of a dedicated tutor. Applicants are required to propose their project at the time of application.
There is no tuition fee. The sponsor will provide lodging and meals during the course and may support travel for those without funding. We hope that this course will be a good opportunity for theoretical and experimental neuroscientists to meet each other and to explore the attractive nature and culture of Okinawa, the southernmost island prefecture of Japan.
Plan A: Internship Course (June 15 - August 10, 2016)
Plan B: Lecture Course (June 20 - June 24, 2016)
Deadline for applications:February 29,2016
インターンシップコースでは希望ラボでの実験を行い、レクチャーコースでは、"Staking, Making and Breaking Circuits"というテーマの下、海外および国内から第一線の研究者が講義をします。講義および交流、質疑はすべて英語で行われます。
Call for applications for the RIKEN BSI Brain Science Training Program 2015-2016!
Brain Science Training Program is a long-term program for a small, select group of students in the first year of graduate studies at Japanese universities, but applications will also be accepted from undergraduate students with a strong interest in brain science. The program is developed in close collaboration with BSI's academic partners and takes full advantage of the diversity of BSI. Lectures and training sessions are conducted in English.
本年度は、Neural Connectivity and
【講師】(アルファベット順) -Gyrgy Buzski (NYU School of Medicine) -中馬奈保 (Columbia University)
-Jinseop S. Kim (Princeton University)
-Reisert Marco (University Medical Center Freiburg)
-Aravinthan D.T. Samuel (Harvard University)
-上田泰己 (University of Tokyo, RIKEN QBiC, RIKEN CDB)
-山中章弘 (Nagoya University)
【場所】コープイン京都 (京都市中京区) 【応募締切】 2013年2月13日(木) 【講師】(アルファベット順) -尾藤 晴彦 (Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo ) -Justin Gardner (RIKEN BRAIN SCIENCE INSTITUTE ) -Matthieu Louis (FLiACT) -村山 正宜 (RIKEN BRAIN SCIENCE INSTITUTE ) -Ian Stevenson (University of California, Berkeley) -Shawn Xu (Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan)
Research seminars are an important vehicle through which researchers can stay abreast of the most cutting-edge developments in various fields of brain research. BSI Seminar Series (BSS) is a "flagship" seminar series at BSI. The speakers playing a leading and exciting role in their current field of research are invited mostly from abroad. BSS is open to scientific community inside and outside of RIKEN. Thus, the BSS provides a unique opportunity for young scientists in Japan to have discussion with distinguished scientists from the world on their cutting-edge research achievements. We sincerely hope to see you in BSS.
インターンシップコースでは、希望ラボで実験を行い、レクチャーコースでは、"Disentangling Mental Disorders: from Genes to Circuits"というテーマの下、海外および国内から招待する第一線の研究者による講義を受講します。講義および交流、質疑応答はすべて英語で行われます。
1F Seminar Room, BSI Central Building,
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama
16:00 - 17:30
January 11, 2013 Matthew Rushworth, University of Oxford
"Neural Mechanisms for Decision-Making and Foraging"
Host: Naotaka Fujii
March 1, 2013 Adrian Bird, University of Edinburgh
"CpG as a Genomic Signalling Module"
Host: Adrian Moore
March 22, 2013 Giulio Tononi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Sleep Function and Synaptic Down-Selection"
Host: Joshua Johansen
April 12, 2013 Nancy Ip, The Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology
"Understanding the Molecular Basis of Neural Plasticity"
Host: BSI Postdoctoral Fellow Association
May 24, 2013 Carl Petersen, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
"Synaptic Mechanisms of Sensory Perception"
Host: Shigeyoshi Itohara
June 25, 2013 Fred Gage, Salk Institute
"Neuronal Plasticity and Neuronal Diversity"
Host: Atsushi Miyawaki
1F Seminar Room, BSI Central Building,
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama
16:00 - 17:30
June 15, 2012 Mark Schnitzer, Stanford University
"Mice, Men, and Microscopes: Visualizing the Dynamics of the Neuronal Orchestra in Awake Behaving Animals"
September 14, 2012 Jeffrey Magee, Janelia Farm
"Input Comparison in Hippocampal and Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons"
November 9, 2012 Arthur Konnerth, Technology University Munich (TUM)
"Dendritic Structure of Sensory Inputs to Cortical Neurons in vivo"
*We will accept 15 interns for the Internship and Lecture Course (Plan A) and 30 participants for the Lecture Course (Plan B).
Deadline for applications: February 29, 2012
18th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience Understanding the Basic Mechanisms of Neurodevelopmental Disorders