* Shigeru Shinomoto (Kyoto Univ) --- opening remark ---
* Aaron J. Suminski (Univ Chicago) Sensory Responses in the Motor Cortex and their implications for Brain-Machine Interfaces
* Liqing Zhang, (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) BCI-Based Active Motor Functional Rehabilitation and Neurofeedback
* Zhe Chen (MIT) Uncovering rat hippocampal population codes: topological vs. topographic maps
* Milad Lankarany (Concordia Univ., RIKEN BSI) Model-based Bayesian Signal Processing; Applications to Hodgkin-Huxley Neuronal Model
* Nitish Thakor (Johns Hopkins Univ) Decoding Cortical Rhythms for Neural
Prosthesis: from Spikes to ECoG
July 9th (Tuesday)
* Chiaki Kobayashi, Norio Matsuki, Yuji Ikegaya (UnivTokyo) Dendritic filtration of presynaptic cell assemblies
* Hideaki Shimazaki (RIKEN) Higher-order interactions in population activity of hippocampal CA3 neurons
* Zenas C. Chao (RIKEN) Mining latent spatio-spectro-temporal dynamics of
causal information flows in cortical networks
* Shamim Nemati (Harvard Univ) Outcome-Discriminative Learning in Switching Linear Dynamical Systems: Applications to Neural Decoding
* Zhe Chen (MIT) --- Closing remark ---