Opening remarks Nobuyuki Nukina (Juntendo University / RIKEN BSI, Japan)
Session I
<Polyglutamine diseases and other neurodegeneration>
1. Nobuyuki Nukina (Juntendo University / RIKEN BSI, Japan)
2. Olaf Riess (University of Tübingen, Germany)
3. Masahisa Katsuno (Nagoya University, Japan)
4. Erich E. Wanker (Max Delbück Center for Molecular Medicine, Germany)
5. Hitoshi Okazawa (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
Lunch time
Session II
<Neurodegeneration and RNA>
1. J. Paul Taylor (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA)
2. Yoshitaka Nagai (National Institute of Neuroscience, NCNP, Japan)
3. Shin Kwak (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Coffee break
Session III
1. Craig M. Powell (UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA)
2. Taisuke Tomita (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Session IV
<iPS and technology>
1. Haruhisa Inoue (Kyoto University, Japan)
2. Asa Abeliovich (Columbia University, USA)
3. Yasunori Hayashi (RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan)
Banquet (TMDU Faculty Lounge, M&D Tower 26F)
Day 2 (Monday, March 17)
Session V
<Alzheimer's desease>
1. Takeshi Iwatsubo (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
2. John R. Cirrito (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
3. Makoto Higuchi (National Institute of Radiological Sciences)