EMBO practical course for Mouse Phenotyping in Zurich, Switzerland
20 June - 02 July 2011
This course covers the topic of mouse phenotyping with special emphasis on behavioral analysis. Participants will design, run and analyze a short but genuine research experiment, thus getting hands-on experience with tests for a wide variety of different aspects of behavior, such as perception, attention, motivation, learning and memory, and social interaction. The practical course is rounded up with lectures outlining conceptual issues in neuroscience and related discipline as well as methodological considerations for the effective design of behavioral experiments. Invited speakers include Richard Morris (Uni Edinburgh, UK), Andreas Luthi (FMI Basel, CH), Marc Mayford (Scripps Research Institute La Jolla, US) and Markus Stoffel (ETH Zurich, CH).
Participants (early postdoctoral or advanced graduate students) will be selected based on academic excellence and evidence for genuine interest and motivation. There is no course fee and accommodation costs are covered by EMBO. In addition, EMBO accepts applications for a limited number of travel grants.
Prof. David P. Wolfer, ETH and University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Hans-Peter Lipp, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Irmgard Amrein, University of Zurich, Switzerland